International Archaeology Day 2015

Reconstructing Spaces and Ancient Places: Roman Villas and Caves
October 17, 2015

International Archaeology Day (IAD) is a day for organizations around the world to raise awareness of archaeology and provide opportunities for the public to participate in archaeological activities. Above all, IAD is a celebration of archaeology and emphasizes the idea that archaeology is everywhere. International Archaeology Days in the past have drawn upwards of 60 members of the public to Sabin Hall and have provided excellent opportunities to explore themed topics/additional archaeological interests in a fun, interactive way.

This year’s theme is “Reconstructing Spaces and Ancient Places: Roman Villas and Caves”. The event will take place Saturday, October 17th, 2015 at Sabin Hall from 1:00-4:00pm. Be sure to look for our AIA welcome table on the first floor, near the Downer entrance for programs and more!

In honor of International Archaeology Day, local archaeologists from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University, and elsewhere will work together with visitors on interactive, experimental activities to help recreate two ancient spaces, a Roman villa and an Upper Paleolithic cave. Visitors will have an opportunity to design, experiment, and use facsimiles of ancient materials for construction while participating in an active, hands-on experience to help us gain unique insight into how archaeologists learn about ancient spaces and places.

For more on IAD around the world see: